All our puppies are microchipped, dewormed several times and have had their first vaccination before leaving the litter. We register the puppy in a database and when it leaves us, we have to deregister it.
In the new family
The day has arrived when the puppies go to their new families. Often an exciting day for both the puppy and the new family. The puppy already has a chip, has been wormed several times and has had its first vaccination.
The first 8 weeks
The puppies are born. The first week is filled with drinking and sleeping. The mother helps the puppies defecate and urinate, which they cannot do very well yet without help. The puppies can't see or hear yet.
Before birth
From the fourth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother's belly starts to grow visibly. In the beginning, this is still slow, but from the sixth week of pregnancy, the belly quickly grows larger and larger.
coat care pup
Pups are already introduced to the first principles of coat care in the litter, which will continue for a lifetime. It is therefore important to prepare your pup well for a
shopping for your puppy
Now that the lagotto puppy is almost here, shopping for your pup can begin too. But what do you really need?We have made a list of the items we recommend.
Looking for a puppy? Read this first!
The Lagotto is a rapidly, worldwide, growing breed in popularity and this is reflected in the increasing interest. Of course, we are delighted to see that the breed we ourselves enjoy so much